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Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator Review – French Door, Counter Depth

Before I get into a review of my Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator, I have to backtrack a bit and introduce you to our old refrigerator.

I don’t have a name for it other than “the one that thought it was a freezer” and possibly “the one that changed my mind on white appliances”. Everything about it was old and wrong and breaking down.

The inside view. Cracked shelves. Crooked and broken vegetable compartments.

My personal favourite, the seal that kept the bottom freezer open.

At all times.

Despite the low Freezer and Refrigerator temp, they were opposite of each other. It was colder in the fridge part than the freezer. See above for one of the reasons why.

What happens to white appliances with that old school faux leather finish thing on them. Let alone the handles.

This by the way IS clean. That’s how hard it is to get out.

And nothing says I don’t fit in like a non counter depth fridge.

That you walk right into when you walk into the kitchen.

Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator Review

Before we started this kitchen renovation, we had planned on buying a new refrigerator because I had just about had it with the above fridge, and the stove. We did what every couple does, started the long never ending process of going from store to store and checking out all the appliances in person to see what we liked and did not like.

At one point, somehow we both wound up standing in front of the Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator model on the floor. We didn’t even notice it was a Frigidaire model at the time because we were honestly walking around testing out appliances, opening and closing doors to get a feel for each unit.

Very long story short, being a blogger, I reached out to Frigidaire about our kitchen renovation and they offered to collaborate with us on it with the rest of the appliances. Now if you know me and read my blog regularly, you know I don’t take anything for granted. So much so that when the fridge was delivered on a cold, wet day and it was put into our old kitchen at the time, I started to cry.

I mean it. I really started to cry. I even texted my friend Kristen at Storefront Life and was like “My appliance made me cry. In a good way.”

Why? I really hadn’t gotten the full picture as to just how bad of a state our old fridge was until the new one showed up. Yes I realize you’ve just scrolled past the photos of it, and are wondering what’s wrong with me. But when you live with something day to day, you put your blinders on and get on with it.

There is just no comparison.

All this photo needs is a rainbow with some unicorns over it.

Now, there a couple of reasons our old fridge brought us to this new fridge at the store, and it involves a little list I like to call:

Let me remind you of this. The seals in the doors of our old fridge.

You lose a LOT of energy this way. A fridge that closed tightly shut both in the freezer and refrigerator part, were very important to us. And not all fridges, despite being new models did that well. The Frigidaire model was exceptional in this area.

Go ahead. Test out the floor models and see how well they close. They are not all created equally.

And when you open it up, boom!

Storage Space!

Which leads me to…

Our old fridge had this bulky overhead temperature control panel and light at the top of it. That took up pretty much half the space of the biggest storage shelf. This one? Nothing. Tons of room everywhere.

And sliding shelves so you’re not scrounging around things to pull out your leftovers.

This was a big one for us and one of the reasons I personally love bottom freezer, as well as the Cool Drawer. Our kids don’t need to constantly ask for help getting cheese, pepperoni sticks or even freezies. If you’re a parent and you’ve bought the giant freezies, you know they’re a pain to store. Not anymore.

I joke that out of everything I miss about our old condo, I missed the ice cube dispenser the most. Five years of ice cube trays and the novelty of making ice cubes wears off really fast. Our family is addicted to ice. I wish I had room to put in an ice maker in our existing kitchen reno.

This one does not take up any space inside the fridge which is a huge deal as not all refrigerator models take this into account.

NOTE: The ice cubes in the Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator, are little square cubes.

Why this information isn’t put in across product notes is beyond me. To me this is a huge bonus. Crescent ice cubes are not the same cute tiny little squares. Neither is crushed ice. This refrigerator offers both. We love ice so much I have contemplated getting a second ice maker. I know. We’re crazy.

See this photo below again. On the top left side, that’s where the water dispenser is. It barely goes into your inside space leaving you more room to store your taller items.

Five years of walking into a fridge while walking into our kitchen was one of the reasons we moved the location of the fridge after we renovated the kitchen. But the other issue was to make sure that no matter where it was, it would not stick out too far.

The Frigidaire Gallery comes in a Counter Depth model and solved that issue.

It is clean, simple and elegant. And so very  complimentary to our modern Scandinavian style kitchen.

Since I wrote this post, Frigidaire has changed the front panel of of the water dispenser on Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator to a lovely shade of grey. They also have this model without the exterior dispenser.

And if you haven’t seen their latest models, including the Frigidaire Professional 21.6 Cu. Ft. French Door Counter-Depth Refrigerator, go look. This has to be one of the sexiest looking refrigerators currently on the market. It is also one of the most true counter depth ones. I have measured it in person many times, and without handles, it’s only 26″ deep.

If you have any questions or comments on the Frigidaire Gallery Refrigerator, sound off in the comments or email me anytime.

Special Thanks to Frigidaire for collaborating with us on this kitchen renovation.

 As always opinions on this blog are my own.

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